Plygain Christmas Day Service photos

Willclickclick has supplied photos taken at the the Plygain Service.

Called the Plygain, this Christmas Day service is conducted at 6am in the medium of the Welsh language; a traditional religious service which is currently enjoying a revival in many parts of Wales. The service in St Michael’s Church has been observed at 6am for the most part of the 20th Century. It has been held under a variety of weather conditions when the conditions are most trying, extinguishing the flames of the candles during the candlelit procession into the church!

Reverend Ann,(second left) commences the service. 


Rev. Ann Mc Knight leading the procession into the Church





One of the readings done by by Tom Marks


A picture of the early risers on Christmas morning!


Church Warden Walter Jones, ringing the church bell at the beginning of the service as he has done for approx. half a century. 


Jean Hughes the current organist


All photos by William Theophilus 2015 – © willclickclick

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4 Responses to Plygain Christmas Day Service photos

  1. William Theophilus says:

    Incredulity overcame me at our former site administrator’s frank confession, hence why I’ve been in stunned silence for a lengthy interval with this stark revelation!

    The Plygain over the decades has been a resounding success and as it’s been already mentioned in the comments section, a service on Christmas Day, before the cockerel crows. The service ends at the break of the new dawn.

    In whichever and whatever way you want to interpret this Dick, on leaving the church after the service — you will see the light!

  2. The Very Reverend John Rogers says:

    I come from south-east Sales where so much of Welsh culture has been lost, and I was therefore very grateful to take part in the Plygain at Cilycwm some years ago. As a retired priest I regard this as a great privilege. New leaflets were needed and the opportunity was taken to include traditional Plygain carols instead of translations from English. The Plygain is an old tradition in Cilycwm at 6.00 am on Christmas Day. Some recent revivals of the Plygain are at other times and on other days. If it’s not before daybreak on Christmas Day it is NOT the Plygain, but a carol service. The Plygain is a significant part of Welsh culture. May it contine to flourish at Cilycwm for years to come.

  3. Eirwen Powell ( Morgan ) says:

    Nice to see that my brother Meurig still attends after all these years even though he has moved away to Llanwrda. I believe that’s his wife Melanie I see there too ! Lovely pictures. Brings on the old “hiraeth”

  4. Dick Turner says:

    Great pictures as usual Will. That looks like a service an old atheist like me might even enjoy!

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